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Yoni Egg Workshop

“not only did my pleasure increase but I was able to more fully understand my body’s yes & no – that’s been fundamental.”

Our Yoni Egg Workshop has been designed to allow women to get the most out of their yoni egg purchase

“one of the most revolutionary, transformative & amazing things I have ever done.”

Our Yoni Egg Workshop has been designed to allow women to get the most out of their yoni egg purchase.

In this course you will:

  • receive 4 months of progressive yoni egg exercises that you can follow at your own pace to strengthen and tone your vagina
  • learn how to look after your egg physically and energetically
  • learn how to charge your egg with your intentions so you can use your practice to manifest your desires from your creative centre aka your yoni
  • learn how to safely set up a regular yoni egg practice that honours your yoni
  • learn fundamental Taoist breath techniques to enhance your yoni egg practice
  • learn how to activate and differentiate the different muscle sections in the yoni resulting in an articulated vagina
  • learn how to clear the womb of unwanted energy
  • receive Taoist techniques to release negative emotion from the vagina
  • learn how to deeply connect with your yoni

The course is split into monthly sections which you can progress through at your own pace – this is not something to rush through. We want you to have a LIFELONG practice.

The exercises are delivered as recorded meditations – you simply listen and follow the instructions on the recording – it makes learning the practices simple and easy – you don’t need to try to memorise instructions. This takes all of the stress out of learning to practice.

Beginning my journey into the “yoniverse”, I was apprehensive, perhaps because I was aware of the amount of change that was going to come with it. With Tantric Tools, not only did I feel safe and guided, I also felt like i was part of a conscious community rising. The transformation and connection I have felt already is nothing short of magic. I purchased a rhodonite egg to help create a healing space and reconnect to loving myself. With the help of the online workshop, it has become integrated with ease into all areas of my daily life and I have built from this a strong understanding of my self and my sexual self.
Healing, empowering, playful, fun, pleasurable —I bought this egg a few years ago and now I can reflect on just how much has changed since I did. My relationship with my whole body has changed, I no longer get menstrual cramps, I have deeper trust, stronger boundaries and a more full connection with myself. I’m not crediting the Yoni egg with ALL of these changes — but it’s been an important part of the journey. If you’re curious, I highly recommend Tantric Tools — they have integrity running in their blood and care so much about healing and sexuality. The course is ridiculously good value (they could easily charge £1000 for it). If you’ve landed here, you’re in the right place so trust your guidance and take the next step.
I’ve been doing your online Yoni Egg Course and have loved it more than I could have imagined. It’s been so powerful physically, emotionally and energetically and I’m only in the early stages of it!

What you will learn in our Yoni Egg Course

You also get access to Kate’s and Lisa’s extensive knowledge, expertise and support via email to address any problems, queries, concerns, questions and hiccups you might have. Kate is an expert in the female pelvic bowl, she is a Certified Tantric Educator who specialises in  women’s pelvic health and practices Holistic Pelvic Care™ and Arvigo® Therapy: her website is here: www.sacredyonicornwall.com. Lisa is also a Certified Tantric Educator, Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner™, Somatic Consent Empowerment Practitioner, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner and TRE Practitioner who specialises in sacred sexuality, helping men and women connect to their sexuality and to their sovereignty. Her website is womensholisticcare.co.uk.

Without access to this kind of information, women often purchase yoni eggs and do not use them, or perhaps use them a couple of times then give up. Their beautiful egg with life changing potential becomes nothing more than a nice ornament. Our course is designed so that you can begin a practice and MAINTAIN that practice over months, years, and over a lifetime.

This course is normally £100. For a limited period of time, we are offering it to women who purchase a yoni egg from us for just £75. We want to provide women with an affordable, accessible, easy-to-follow course that will ensure that they get the most out of their purchase.

We are SO CONFIDENT that you will love this course and find it indispensable to your practice that we offer it with a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you do not feel that it is suitable for your needs. If you want to return the course, just email us at [email protected] within 30 days of purchase, and we will arrange a refund.

Contact Lisa

Contact Kate

Yoni Magic

Yoni Magic is our FREE mini-course with 4 guided practices to tap into the MAGIC and AWESOME POWER of your yoni.

You will learn:

Yoni Yoga
Yoni Breathwork
Yoni Massage
Ancestral Womb Work

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