Lisa Grezo

Who am I?

I am a truth seeker consciously exploring and questioning my truth and beliefs. I see in my life how changing them changes the reality that I am living. I used to believe I had to do it all alone and that healing was painful, which obviously manifested. Now I know that I am able to stay open to hold the pain and pleasure that moves through and that I am surrounded by
friends and community that want to support me.

My distrust of men was imprinted from birth through my lineage and I am committed to changing this belief which ultimately meant that I didn’t trust myself. I felt small and not enough as I was. I looked for external validation and was out of touch with my own truth. I wanted to be loved and learnt that I had to please others to do this. Saying no made me feel anxious, I was frightened that others wouldn’t like me and ultimately abandon me.

I also found it difficult to receive, I became a woman with no needs. It felt safer for me to give up my needs and desires. I never developed a healthy sense of self so it makes sense that my journey has taken me to a place of reclaiming myself. Knowing that I am not responsible
for others peoples experience. Having needs and knowing that I am worthy of having them met. Discovering that orgasm is not something to be chased but arises naturally through me when I live authentically and truthfully. Being in connection with my body’s yes, no and maybes moment to moment and following that. Knowing that my truth and body is sacred
and honouring that.

My desire is to support other humans find their way home to their sovereign and authentic selves. You came here to be you – all of you – your wounds are sacred gateways to discover who you truly are. There are no coincidences.

What will coaching do for me?

I am here to support you finding your way to the sovereign being that you are.

You have all the answers within you, however we have all learnt to give more importance to what is happening to us than how we feel about it. We have been guided to look and learn from outside rather than go within.

Your body has all the wisdom and is wise beyond any concepts you will ever understand. I can support you on this discovery. I have travelled there myself and continue to, it is a forever unfolding journey.

Coaching containers provide an extraordinary space for transformation.

We will enter the mind space of exploring stories which may no longer be true, and your past that has brought you to this present moment, but the focus will be on the somatic experience in your body which is where your true wisdom lies.

My exclusive transmission is one that amalgamates wisdom, science, mystery and my own personal path through my unique lived experience.

I have had the honour of holding hundreds of women and men in healing and transformational spaces. You will know if we are meant to work together, a part of you will be guided towards me. This part knows your path, your truth and that I can help support you in deepening into yourself.

These are some of the ways I can help:

  • Discover how to trust, care and truly love yourself


  • Feel safe and free in your own skin


  • Release physical, emotional and mental pain


  • Connect to your unique orgasmic blueprint


  • Fill your cup up from within


  • Enhance pleasure, sexual power and desire


  • Transform intimacy and sexuality


  • Revolutionise your relationship with yourself and others


  • Rest in your worth having healthy and clear boundaries

What you will receive

– A series of 75 minute coaching calls where we will get clear on your      desires and work somatically to discover what is blocking you from        reaching these desires

– Practices for home-play that may include instruction in how you can      best use the yoni egg and/ or yoni wand if appropriate

– Suggestions for other resources that will support your journey

– Support via email/ text in between calls

Book a free 40-minute discovery call to see how we can work together

What's it like coaching with Lisa?

“Where do i start?! I am so grateful for everything I have learnt from you. Starting with coming to your sessions, and then the continuing help you gave me in the workshops you created afterwards. You are a real example of how to heal and let go. You started me on a journey I never thought I would have the courage to face. You have changed my life and I will be forever indebted. If anyone out there is unsure whether to meet with Lisa, I am the first person to give a call to. I am positive she will be able to help you. Thanks for giving me back my life!”
"Working with Lisa has been so transformational. The consent work especially. Understanding how to work with your body and not to ignore its subtle signs. If it’s not a completed yes it’s a no – has been some of the most profound wisdom and I use it day to day to make decisions.  Thank you Lisa for all your work from the bottom of my heart."
“I received one to one support from Lisa over one of the hardest periods of my life. The space Lisa held for me allowed me to be completely open and honest about my deepest fears and wounds. Lisa's gentleness, wisdom and nurturing provided the space for me understand myself on a deeper level than ever before and to heal myself and my inner child in a way that has created a level of freedom, safety and joy in my life that I didn't know was possible for me. Lisa's skill in supporting breathwork for me brought me so much clarity and insight into the woman I could be when I freed myself from the pain and hurt holding me back. I saw the true version of myself, stepped into my power and felt I could be who I'm really meant to be, someone I'm really proud of.”

3 Month Container

Six 75 minute immersive sessions (fortnightly).
Support in between sessions via text and email.
Includes guided practices to support true transformation.


6 Month Container

Twelve 75 minute immersive sessions (fortnightly).
Support in between sessions via text and email.
Includes guided practices to support true transformation.


Focus Sessions

Focus sessions are for concentrating on specific challenges – maybe you have done some work before and have something that’s come up that you want to work with. We will look at what is stopping you from getting the results you want and empower you to move forward towards your goals.

Three 75 minute immersive sessions (fortnightly).
Support in between sessions via text and email.
Includes guided practices to support true transformation.


Please Note: These investment levels are available for a limited time only

Payment plans are available.

All sessions are offered on Zoom. If you would like in-person sessions, there is a 20% additional investment. Hybrid experiences (some sessions online, some in person) are also available.

To supercharge your experience we can discuss in-person bodywork sessions as part of the package – this will be an add-on and investment adapted accordingly.

Contact Lisa

Contact Kate

Yoni Magic

Yoni Magic is our FREE mini-course with 4 guided practices to tap into the MAGIC and AWESOME POWER of your yoni.

You will learn:

Yoni Yoga
Yoni Breathwork
Yoni Massage
Ancestral Womb Work

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